The Mid Wales Centre will be running a round of the 2009 Novogar Championships on 6th September 2009.
This is a joint effort within the centre, not associated with any one club,to make things easier on the manpower front. Having said that, we are always desperate for assistance on the day, so if you could help out in any way, please contact Elwyn or Jean on 01691 828330 or drop me a mail.

For those that rode last year, the route is likely to be very similar.
We are lucky to have this land, and we always intend to do it justice by using the area to its full potential. This is an excellent trial to ride for great natural stream sections. Nothing silly, but you'll enjoy, and you'll sleep well on the Sunday night :-)

This year has the addition of a clubman (easier) route aimed at intermediate (or tough novice) riders. We've had to make them miss two sections (27 and 28) due to nasty waterfalls, but other than that there are deviations from the main blue and red route using yellow flags.

Maps, Rider Lists, Results Etc will be posted in due course on this page.
The entry list will be updated as often as possible. If you've sent your entry and don't see your name within a week, drop us an email - let us know - There's a link at the top of the riders list.

Check the buttons below for further information